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Chrome-Colored Parakeets

May 05, 2015 By Shawn Powers  inChromeEditors' Choice

I personally like Google's Chrome interface. It's simple, fast, elegantand did I mention fast? Unfortunately, I don't like how locked down theChrome OS is on a Chromebook, nor do I like its total dependence on Google. Ialso don't like the lack of ability to install Chrome easily on generichardware. Thankfully, Budgie is here to help.

If you like the simplicity and speed of the Chrome interface, butwant a full-blown system underneath that deceptively simple GUI, Iurge you to give Budgie a try. You either can download the Evolve-OS, or just install the PPA into a standard Ubuntusystem. I simply typed:sudo apt-add-repository ppa:evolve-os/ppasudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install budgie-desktop

Then log out, and when logging in, choose the Budgie desktop insteadof Unity. You'll find a very Chrome-like interface but on top of afull-blown Linux system instead of Chrome! The preferences are fairlysimplistic, but the entire interface is designed to get out of the wayand let you work. Due to its blazing-fast speed and ease of use,the Budgie Desktop is this month's Editors' Choice. Give it a try today!


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